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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Only Way You Should Cook Corn on the Cob

.Nothing should have to be confusing about corn.

But your mom may have told you to boil it for ten minutes; your mother-in-law, for seven. Your dad may have let it roll on the stove until he remembered it. There's been an age-old debate on the best way to cook corn on the cob - and, at the center, how long to boil it.
Get this: we don't boil it at all.
Instead, we boil water on it's own, then toss in the corn. Once the water gets back up to a boil, we simply shut off the heat. You can let the corn hang out in the pot for a few minutes, or until dinner's ready, or until you just can't resist the promise of its perfection. .
So no need to worry about timing; no need to worry about wrinkly kernels; no need to worry about upsetting the family tradition. The best way to cook corn turns out to be the easiest.
Best Ever Corn on the Cob
Serves 4
4 ears shucked fresh corn
Butter & salt, for serving
1. Bring large pot of water to a boil. Add the corn. Once the water gets back up to a boil, shut off the heat.
2. Let the corn sit the pot for a few minutes (or until dinner's ready).
3. Serve with butter and salt.

Internnet search..

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