Le thi Khanh July 01 Huynh t Bich Lien july 23 ******* Mến chúc Các Bạn vui ngày sinh nhật cùng gia đình ,nhiều sức khoẻ và luôn may mắn NgocDung và nhom peda 67

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time wasted (Le Temps Perdu)

Time wasted

Cảm tác bài thơ « LE TEMPS PERDU » của ROSE HƯƠNG

If only I were young and tougher,
Back to my native village, I would go
Where the fertile land was destroyed by stormy winds
And yet the farmers did not feel discouraged.

If only my mother were still waiting for me,
I would hold into mine her hands thin and fragile,
A large smile would shine on her holy face,
And within her arms, I would lie down and close my eyes.

If only my old friends could see me again,
We would jump around, we would shout, we would cry
How deep could be our childhood friendship!
We would then relate endlessly old memories and jokes.

If only I could find again my old lover,
I would enjoy listening to his voice,
I would tell him, a thousand times, my regrets
My ambition, my deception, my wrong doing and what else
My love

If only I could see that life is complicated
Loneliness, pain, deception, disappointment
As well as success, happiness, passion, comfort
Without hesitation, I would all accept …
Oh! My loss! My fate!

Lily Kwang

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