Le thi Khanh July 01 Huynh t Bich Lien july 23 ******* Mến chúc Các Bạn vui ngày sinh nhật cùng gia đình ,nhiều sức khoẻ và luôn may mắn NgocDung và nhom peda 67

Saturday, June 12, 2021

THE PROMISE OF THE SUN-- Huỳnh AnhTrần-Schroeder's Poem


I want to be that constant sun gleam in your life,
Bringing warmth and joy to your day,
But today gloom is in the way,
Fog rises, chill is in the air, dust dives,
Hear my whisper in the wind blow,
Murmuring messages of rainbow,
My rays are hiding behind the clouds,
But soon will glitter the landscapes in golden glow,
Lifting the misty shrouds,
Returning hope, compassion, happiness,
Erasing doubts, banning shadows on a world of duress.
Until then, the moon glow I borrow,
These gentle sparkles of the night goddess' cape,
This twinkling star at the horizon of the seascape,
This music of the nature at respite,
Wrapped in pearlescent dew, I sent them to your mind.

So friend, do not despair, I stay with you,
As like the nature of The Creator,
With Almighty favors and flavors,
Tides of the ocean, receding and surging,
Seasons of the nature, wilting and rebuilding,
I rest a while but will gleam my way through.

So friend, do not give up hope and stay in your life fight,
I keep my promise through and through,
On a world of gloom, sadness, fright,
I return all the resplendence of what is right and bright.

Huỳnh Anh Trần-Schroeder

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